Claim Rejections

Payer Requires Pre-Enrollment (RC68)

Rejection: Payer Requires Pre-Enrollment for Electronic Claims Submission. Provider is not yet approved to submit claims electronically to this payer (RC55)Printing Services Not requested, to enable contact (866)-575-4120 option 1 (RC68)

What happened: Pre-enrollment is not?logged for this payer for the NPI in box 33a on Office Ally's end.

Resolution: Verify the claim was sent to the correct payer. Verify if word has been received from the payer that NPI?is set up to send elecronically. If Pre-enrollment has not been done, please go to the Payer EDI Enrollment Forms page HERE. If Pre-enrollment has been completed, please contact Customer Service at 360-975-7000 option 1.